Thursday, 2 August 2012

Week 3 - Assignment 1 Submission

Assignment 1 - Montage

The combination of elements to make a whole is a strong theme in the Morphosis firm, this is evident through some of their buildings such as the Hypo Alpe-Adria Bank and the Diamond Ranch High School. My convergence of 3d model is influenced by the Morphosis group itself through their representation of 3d models where they show it in a exploded perspective and the form of the Hypo bank being layered shown through materials. My paper model and 3d model is greatly influenced on the representation of 'explode' shown by the sharpness of the building coming out in different directions as if it had no control.

3DS Rendered Model

Assignment 1 - File Link

Files contained in .rar file
- 3ds Max File
- 4 Rendered Model Images
-1 Plagarism Declaration